Archive for January, 2010

Mr.Reich’s Class:MLK Start To Finish Book

Please write a few sentences telling what happened in the first 3 chapters of our Start to Finish Book by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Chapter 2 Against All Odds

Write a summary of chapter 2. Include all of the important details about Moses, George. Lawrence, and his mother Mary Ball Washington? Write at least 5 sentences.

Anne Frank

Against All Odd, Washington and the Fight for Independenc

Just about every body has heard of George Washington, but most people don’t know much about him. What was Washington really like? How did he become the leader of America’s fight for freedom?

How did he win the fight against the World’s most powerful nation England, and how could Washington fight for freedom when he owned slaves himself?

The French & Indian War

The French and Indian war was a war fought between Great Britain and its two enemies, the French and the Indians of North America. Most of the battles were in Canada. American colonists, including George Washington, fought with the British in this war, which lasted from 1754 to 1763. The British won the war and won the right to keep Canada and several other possessions in the New World.

The Colonies in America

People from Europe began coming to America to live in the 17th Century. Spain, France, Sweden, Holland, and England claimed land.

The first French settlement was Quebec, in 1603. It was a large settlement but little more than a trading center, like most other French settlements.

The first permanent settlement in North America was the English colony at Jamestown, in 1607, in what is now Virginia. John Smith and company had come to stay. The Pilgrims followed, in 1620, and set up a colony at Plymouth, in what is now Massachusetts.

Other English colonies sprang up all along the Atlantic coast, from Maine in the north to Georgia in the south. France, meanwhile, was taking control of most of eastern Canada. Swedish and Dutch colonies took shape in and around what is now New York.

England forced Sweden and Holland out of the picture in one way or another. Soon, English interests came into conflict with French interests. Disputes arose over the Ohio Territory and parts of Canada. War was approaching.

At first glance, it looked like a mismatch. English troops outnumbered French troops almost 2-to-1. English colonies had their own militias and produced their own food. French settlements had to rely on soldiers hired by fur-trading companies and food from the homeland.

On the other hand, French forces were controlled by a single government and had settlements that were close together and, therefore, more easibly defended. Each English colony had its own assembly government, and the colonies often argued with one another over simple things.

In the early 1750s, French troops arrived in the Ohio Valley. They built a series of forts just west of the Appalachian Mountains. One of the more famous of these was Fort Duquesne. In 1754, a small battle started the war.

Colonel George Washington headed a small force of 150 English militiamen who had been ordered to capture Fort Duquesne. The fort, of course, was guarded by a lot more than 150 men. Washington’s men fired on a French patrol but had to retreat. In their haste, they built a crude structure optimistically named Fort Necessity. A large French force surrounded this “fort” and forced Washington to surrender. They sent him back to Virginia with a message that the Ohio Territory was French territory.

The English responded in force. General Edward Braddock, accompanied by Washington, marched on Fort Duquesne. It was a disaster. While the English troops marched in straight lines, the French troops and their Native American allies fired from behind rocks and trees. This guerrilla tactic was hugely successful. Braddock himself was killed in the July 9, 1755 battle.

An ocean away in Britain, a new prime minister, William Pitt, took over. His strategy for winning the war: take Canada.

Watch the Brainpop movie on the French & Indian War

The 13 Colonies

Watch the Brain pop movie and answer the following questions

and see the link

1..What were the two main reasons that colonists came from Europe to settle in the New World?

2.What was the first colony?

3. What was the Second Colony?

4. Who Fought in the French And Indian war?

5. List the New England Colonies?

6. List the Middle Colonies?

7. List the Southern Colonies?

Memorize all 13 colonies and you can win a prize, see me on Friday.

Claudette Colvin

Claudette Colvin

Claudette Colvin Refused to give up her seat on Montgomery Bus 3/2/55

Segregated Bus Montgomery, Alabama 1950's

On March 2, 1955, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat to a white passenger.
Here in her court testimony she describes what happened:
[The bus driver] asked us to get up. [A middle-aged, pregnant, African-American woman, Mrs.
Hamilton, was also still seated.] So, he directly asked me to get up first. So, I told him I was not
going to get up. He said, “If you’re not going to get up I will get a policeman.” So, he went
somewhere and got a policeman. He [the policeman] said, “Why are you not going to get up?”
He said, “It’s against the law here.” So I told him that I didn’t know that it was a law that a
colored person had to get up and give a white person a seat when there were not any more vacant
seats and colored people were standing up. I said I was just as good as any white person and I
wasn’t going to get up. So he got off. And then two more policemen came in. He [one] said,
“Who is it?” and was very angry about it. He said, “That is not new, I had trouble out of that
thing before.” So he said, “Aren’t you going to get up? He didn’t say anything to Mrs. Hamilton
then. He just said it to me. He said, “Aren’t you going to get up?” I said, “No.” He saw Mrs.
Hamilton but he was afraid to ask her to get up. He said, “If any of you are not gentleman
enough to give a lady a seat you should be put in jail yourself.” So Mr. Harris, he got up and
gave her a seat, and immediately got off of the bus. He said, “You can have that seat, I am
getting off.” And so she took his seat. So he [the police officer] asked me if I was not going to
get up. I said, “No sir.” I was crying then. I was very hurt because I didn’t know that white
people could act like that and I was crying. And he said, “I will have to take you off.” So I didn’t
move. I didn’t move at all. I just acted like a big baby. So he kicked me and one [policeman] goon one side of me and one [another policeman] got the other arm and they just drug me out. And
I was so very pitiful. It really hurt me to see that I have to give a person a seat, when all those
colored people were standing and there were not any more vacant seats. I have never seen
nothing like that. Well, they take me down, they put me in a car and one of the motorcycle men,
he says, “I am sorry to have to take you down like this.” So they put handcuffs on me through the
As she explained in an interview in The Guardian (December 16, 2000), “I was really afraid,
because you just didn’t know what white people might do at that time.” In August that year, 14-
year-old Emmett Till had said, “Bye, baby” to a woman at a store in Mississippi, and was fished
out of the Tallahatchie River a few days later, dead, with a bullet in his skull, his eye gouged out,
and one side of his forehead crushed. “I didn’t know if they were crazy, if they were going to
take me to a Klan meeting. I started protecting my crotch. I was afraid they might rape me.”
They took her to City Hall, where she was charged with misconduct, resisting arrest, and
violating the city segregation laws. The full enormity of what she had done was only just
beginning to dawn on her. “I went bipolar. I knew what was happening, but I just kept trying to
shut it out.”

She concentrated her mind on things she had been learning at school. “I recited Edgar Allan Poe,
Annabel Lee, the characters in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Twenty-
third Psalm.” Anything to detach herself from the horror of reality.
At the trial, Colvin pleaded innocent but was found guilty and released on indefinite probation in
her parents’ care. “She had remained calm all during the days of her waiting period and during
the trial,” wrote Jo Ann Robinson, “but when she was found guilty, her agonized sobs penetrated
the atmosphere of the courthouse.”
Claudette Colvin was a “student, quiet, well-mannered, neat, clean, intelligent, pretty, and deeply
religious,” noted Robinson. She had dark black skin and lived in King Hill, a very poor part of

Nat’s latest animations

Hi this is Nathanael from Class x03. I am here to tell you I make animations. And so far I have 3 favorites you may like.

My best “Squishables” music video “Banana Phone Squishable Version” rated 5 stars:

Here is another of my Squishable movies entitled “Caught”

And my 3 rated “The Carol” movie. And it is also a part of “The Squishable Series”.

However, about “The Carol”, that movie isn’t much about it, but hope you like it!

And since those are on YouTube and blocked by the school, you can watch them home.

